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Here are some RECIPES you can try at home
Mr. Diaa would like you to use his seasoning however you like. To help you out a little bit, Mr. Diaa has created a recommended list of Diaa inspired seasoning recipes for you to use as you please, just click on a recipe below and follow the simple instructions to make your very own dish at home, at relatives or even at your friends
Mr.Diaa's main objective is to make cooking easy and fun!

Salt & Pepper Chicken WINGS
Massala Chicken bites

Beef Curry & Mushrooms
Beef Curry & Mushrooms is one of the most favourite dish's in Chinese restaurants, For this Beef and Mushroom dish, you will need an important mix. This will add something special to the dish and make you want to lick the bowl! Mr. Diaa has created a simple guide on how to do this using his very own Curry Sauce Gluten Free
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